Friday, January 11, 2019

The inhumanity of it all: Facts on animal cruelty

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It’s very important even when taking care of nuisance wildlife problems that animals are treated with dignity.  Sadly, this isn’t the case in many places all around the world.  Even in the United States, animals are either neglected or abused.  From dogfighting to poor zoo maintenance, people have consistently shown that they need further education on how to co-exist with animals.

Below are some of the hard facts on animal abuse that have to stop right now.

·         Millions of chickens used for food are injected with drugs that allow them to grow bigger than natural chickens.  The result is that their vital organs deteriorate at a much faster rate, and their legs break because of their weight.

·         Around 115 million animals that go through chemical, food, cosmetic, and drug testing yearly don’t make it out of the laboratories alive.

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·         There are some high-profile farms supplying beef in the U.S. that were caught slicing of the hooves of livestock.  These farms continue to operate after paying relatively small fines.

·         One of the main reasons why it’s illegal to buy and keep exotic pets in the U.S. is because their mortality rate is extremely high.  But even after knowing this, thousands of people still buy and keep exotic pets.

·         Several zoos and theme parks across the country are not up to the standards of state and national law.  The result is that animals in them end up malnourished and diseased.

Baystate Wildlife Management, Inc. was founded in 2000. It specializes in trapping, removal, and exclusion of all nuisance wildlife in a humane and safe manner. To know more about Baystate Wildlife, visit its official website.