The operative word is “humane.” A lot of people treat critters as invaders and nuisance, their presence in the home as infestations. We should step back a bit and reconsider how we handle the presence of any wild animal in our properties: both for our and their protection.
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If, for example, you’ve found a snake in your house, the best way to handle the situation is not to go for the kill, but to contact wildlife removal experts who can extract the animal without hurting it. At the same time, the typical homeowner who isn’t familiar with snake types might just end up getting bitten by a venomous species.
Many of the wildlife that enter our house are just driven by the need to look for dens, lured by convenient openings that provide safe, ideal conditions in rearing their young during harsh weather. Or the smell of good food. Often, the main reason our homes get such visitors is our own neglect.
The best way to prevent any contact with wild animals is to prevent their entry in the first place. We should patch up any holes that allow them to get inside, after ensuring that they’ve gone. Leftover food should be stored in the fridge or thrown away quickly. We could tend to the garden and backyard more regularly, as well as invest more time in home upkeep.
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An ounce of prevention is always best. Especially nowadays, as humans consciously reject perceptions of themselves as rulers of the planet, and embrace their symbiotic relationship with nature and all its inhabitants.
Baystate Wildlife provides services for bat, skunk, squirrel, and raccoon removal. Its catchers safely bring captured wild animals back to their natural environment, where they are meant to build their homes. Know more about the company and its services on this website.